Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Asian Begonia 300 Species Portraits

Asian Begonia 300 Species Portraits

Author作者:Mark Hughes, Ching-I Peng/彭鏡毅
Publisher出版公司:KBCC Press
Publish Date出版日期: 2018
Language: English
Hard cover version / 9789869351355 / 353 pages / 21 x 21.7 / NT$1,500 / US$55
Paperback version / 9789869351348 / 353 pages / 20.5 x 21 / NT$1,000 / US$35


彭鏡毅Ching-I Peng


  研究所時,彭鏡毅曾猶豫過自己的選擇,擔心所選的研究領域——植物分類太冷門,日後出路堪虞。但父親告訴他:「現在的冷門科系,學的人少,將來反而可能會成為熱門。」並以「心專石穿」鼓勵他繼續堅持。爾後出國留學,進入美國華盛頓大學,師事植物分類演化學大師、美國密蘇里植物園園長彼得雷文(Peter H. Raven)院士,自此悠遊於植物分類學的領域,樂在其中。


  除了研究之外,彭鏡毅並擔任許多國內外知名學術刊物的編輯,如《中國植物誌》英文版(Flora of China)等,並主編《植物學研究》(Botanical Studies,前身是《中央研究院植物學彙刊》),這也是國內唯一進入科學引文索引(science citation index, SCI)的植物學期刊。


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About KBCC (The Dr. Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation Center)

The Dr. Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation Center (KBCC) is a non-governmental organization for tropical plant conservation in Taiwan. Its mission is to conserve tropical and sub-tropical plants and maintain rich biodiversity on earth. In order to fulfill this mission, our present goal is to collect 40,000 different taxa and become the largest shelter of tropical plants on earth by 2027. And the ultimate aim is to reintroduce plants back to the wild environment. While KBCC’s strategy focuses on ex situ conservation through an emphasis on living collections of plant species, the center also has facilities for both tissue culture and cryo-preservation and currently runs a 'Deep Freeze' cryopreservation project with a target of 240,000 specimens from the living collections at KBCC.